The benefits of a WIM system to your business

Heavy vehicle weighing technology is an effective solution for ensuring that your company’s payloads are within the safe and legal limits set by the National Heavy Vehicle Register (NHVR). Failure to comply with these requirements can cause serious consequences for not only your business, but also other road users in the community.

The accuracy and reliability of a weighing system is of great importance. WIM Tech’s range of weighbridge systems provide accuracy levels which start at less than one per cent and offer the following benefits to your business…

1. Productivity

There’ll be no more underloaded trucks leaving or entering your sites. WIM Technologies allows you to monitor your transport vehicles closely and ensure they are fully loaded for maximum productivity whilst still complying with NHVR standards.

2. Efficiency

With our portable and fixed weighing systems, you’ll be able to ensure accurate weights for each of your vehicles are tracked. This eliminates the need for manual load counting on site which can be subject to human error. Trucks will be leaving and entering sites even faster.

3. Compliance

You’ll be able to significantly reduce the risk of your company’s vehicles failing to comply with applicable load limits by ensuring that loads leaving site are within the vehicle’s legal mass limits (GVM), providing the best possible protection against the risk of potential legal penalties and fines.

4. Safety

Most importantly, with our weighbridge systems you’ll be able to ensure your trucks don’t become a safety risk due to overloading, and further protect your business against possible Chain of Responsibility (CoR) breaches of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and other relevant road legislation which places the responsibility to reduce risks related to the safety of transport tasks onto transport operators.

If you would like to know more about our weighbridge systems and the full specifications of each product, please call 0481 602 592 or email

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